Holcim has announced that it has set new targets for emissions and occupational health and safety.
Holcim is well on track to meeting its sustainability targets. Thus, for example, net CO2 emissions per ton of cement have been reduced by 14.7% since 1990. The voluntary target of a 20% reduction by 2010 is therefore within reach. For the first time, CO2 data have been assured by an external auditor.
Holcim has set itself additional targets in the two important areas of occupational health and safety and environment. The frequency of accident-related absences is to be reduced by 30% annually over the next three years. The company also wants to reduce its atmospheric emissions. The output of NOx, SO2 and dust per ton of cement is to be reduced by 20% by 2010 compared to 2004 levels. Holcim will honor all voluntary commitments made within the scope of the Cement Sustainability Initiative of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.
A further important aspect of the commitment to sustainable development is the company’s involvement in local communities in which it operates. Group companies primarily support education, infrastructure and community development projects. In total, roughly 1% of consolidated net income before taxes was spent on these activities in 2005.