Bishal Cement Industries (BCI) has commenced operations, introducing Bishal OPC and Bishal PPC brands to market.
The company has a capacity of 300tpd and 400tpd of OPC and PPC, respectively. “We are planning to utilise 70 and 30 per cent of the total capacity to produce Pozzolanic Portland Cement (PPC) and Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC),” Jayendra Chudal, executive director told the Republica. The company aims to target the capital and key cities in the western parts of the country to sell its product.
BCI has been sourcing raw materials such as gypsum from India, Pakistan and Bhutan but using locally produced clinker.
This new factory, which is based in Manahiya VDC-4 of Rupandehi, has brought the number of producers along the Bhairawa-Lumbini Industrial corridor to 11.

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