Pakistan cement producer DG Khan Cement reported a profit-after-tax of PKR4.10bn (US$43.3m) for the year ended June 30 2012, compared to PKR170.96, earned in the previous year, according to a statement on Monday.
This translated into the earnings per share (EPS) of PKR9.38 from 45 paisas in 2011-12, according to the profit and loss account of the company available with the Karachi Stock Exchange.
Revenues for the company surged 24% to PKR22.95bn in fiscal 2012, against sales of PKR18.58bn in the corresponding period of the previous year. Similarly, gross margin improved 33% in the period under review, on account of a nominal dip in coal prices, increased use of alternate fuels, and cost-saving from Waste Heat Recovery and Refuse Derived Fuel plant installed by the company, according to a BMA Capital research report.

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