Lafarge Ciment Moldova has opened a new terminal to help better serve the southern market of the Balkan country. Previous deliveries from the plant in Rezina to the south were carried out by truck, travelling a distance of over 200km. However, with the new Comrat terminal, bagged cement will be transported by rail and stored, and thereafter be delivered to local distributors and sold to end-users.
“With this terminal we will make sure that our products are available to all, all year long and in a simpler way. It is also a positive move from safety and environment standpoint since railway is a good solution for long distance transportation” Louis de Sambucy, general manager of Lafarge Ciment (Moldova) SA told Oreanda News.
French cement major Lafarge holds a 95.31 per cent stake in Lafarge Ciment (Moldova) SA, which operates a 1.4Mta plant at Rezina and occupies around a market share of around 62 per cent.
The Rezina works is currently undergoing a significant modernisation programme. Apart from works already concluded, one of the three ball mills will be converted to closed circuit in 2013, following the order of a dynamic separator from Fives FCB.

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