Following the 100 per cent buy-out of all minority shareholders by Buzzi Unicem SpA and the delisting of shares from the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Dyckerhoff’s Supervisory Board has now approved to initiate the transformation of the company’s legal form from the present corporation (Aktiengesellschaft, AG) to a future limited liability company (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung, GmbH). The new legal form will become effective towards the end of March 2014 and will also involve changes in the organisation of Dyckerhoff management.
The management and supervisory board have mutually agreed that management board members Dr Stefan Fink and Dr Stefan John will step down from their Dyckerhoff services as of 31 December 2013.
Dyckerhoff CEO, Wolfgang Bauer, will also be terminating his services for Dyckerhoff as of 31 March 2014. Mr Bauer has been a member of the Management Board since October 2000 and has been serving as CEO since 1 March 2004.
Michele Buzzi, member of Dyckerhoff’s Management Board since January 1, 2004, will remain in his function as chief of business development. As of January 1, 2014 the executive team will be strengthened by Dirk Beese, who will become Executive Vice President (Generalbevollmächtigter) and will subsequently be appointed together with Michele Buzzi as managing director of the future GmbH. Mr. Beese is currently serving as CFO of Buzzi Unicem USA.
Gunnar Gremlin will remain in office as Chairman of Dyckerhoff’s Supervisory Board.

US cement market contracts in 2024
Total shipments of Portland and blended cement (including imports) in the USA and Puerto Rico, d...