The United Cement Company of (UNICEM) Nigeria launched its new high-strength cement into the market.
According to Vipul Agrawal, the company’s marketing and technical assistance director, the new product, called “UniCem 42.5N Limestone Portland cement” is produced for specialised heavy construction works like high-rise buildings, long-span bridges, dams, fly-overs and silos.
“We have developed the high strength performance cement (UniCem 45.5N) to take care of 10 per cent of our customers needing this quality of cement for infrastructural development in our core market," Agrawal said.
“The UniCem 42.5N is a versatile cement with many benefits such as: high and ultimate compressive strength, low heat of hydration (reduced cracking), workability, reduced bleeding, reduced porosity (enhanced strength), improved cohesion and smooth surface finish,” he added.

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