A cement plant in Yacuses, Bolivia, being constructed by Itacamba has received government authorisation to take delivery of natural gas to fire its new kiln line. Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) will deliver 250,000m3 as well as a US$15m-long pipeline which will be connected to Brazil, according to the agreement with YPFB.
Construction of the US$200m cement line is expected to start in April and will see capacity rise by 0.2Mta to 0.85Mta by April 2015.
The additional Itacamba production will be destined for the markets of Santa Cruz and Beni, with plans to expand deliveries to Tarija. Santa Cruz is one of Bolivia’s key cement-consuming regions and together with La Paz and Cochabamba, accounts for around three-quarters of national demand.

Tamil Nadu government proposes limestone levy
The government of Tamil Nadu, India, has proposed a levy of an additional INR160/t (US$1.84) on ...