KHD Humboldt Wedag International AG’s US-based office, Humboldt Wedag Inc, is executing two orders with Lafarge North America Inc and Lafarge Canada Inc (Lafarge) for engineering, delivery of equipment, and site services of new clinker lines at their Exshaw and Ravena plants. KHD’s scope of supply for the projects begins with the raw material feed and ends at clinker handling.
Both plants will utilise the same KHD environmentally friendly and state-of-the-art core equipment, including:
• five-stage single-string KHD preheaters PR9067/5
• PYROCLON® Low NOx calciners with PYROTOP® and PYROLOOP®
• KHD PYROFLOOR® Clinker Coolers PFC741 with PYROCRUSHER® PRC 420-5
• three-pier KHD Rotary Kilns
• KHD Low NOX PYROJET® and PYROBOX® burners
• KHD MKD and HKD process fans
Additionally, KHD will supply SNCR systems to control NOx emissions.
For Exshaw, located approximately 1400m above sea level on the edge of the Rocky Mountains in Alberta, Canada, equipment delivery is currently underway. In addition to the core KHD equipment above, a KHD kiln bypass system will be supplied for this project. KHD also is incorporating an owner supplied Pfeiffer raw mill into the system. Other auxiliary equipment included consists of material handling systems; dosing systems for raw material, blending, kiln feed, and coal systems; as well as engineering and supply of structural steel, ducts, and chutes.
The Ravena project, located approximately 50m above sea level near Albany, New York, will utilise the same KHD core equipment above. KHD is also incorporating a Pfeiffer Mill and supplying similar auxiliary equipment scope as well as structural steel, ducts, and chutes. In addition a coal grinding system is included for this project.

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