Holcim Belgique announced its plans to adapt the organisational structure of its Obourg cement works near Mons, a step which would affect 48 jobs.
The company attributes the reorganisation to the significant fall in Dutch cement consumption and a slowdown in French cement demand. Holcim Belgique serves the markets in the north of France, Belgium, southern Netherlands and western Germany.
Holcim says the move is expected to bring the plant back to profitability as its products improve their competitive position. With sufficient organisation, Obourg is envisaged to operate with 152 people. Moreover, many improvements should allow the organisation to become more efficient, including increased flexibility, deregulation of functions and services, a simplified hierarchy and organising teams.
The factory saw its workforce reduced from 310 to 180 in 2004 as part of a cost-cutting exercise.

US cement market contracts in 2024
Total shipments of Portland and blended cement (including imports) in the USA and Puerto Rico, d...