Argentina’s cement plants dispatched 1,054,294t of cement (including exports) in September 2014, according to the latest figures by the country’s cement association, AFCP. This represents an improvement of five per cent when compared with August and 0.3 per cent YoY.
Exports fell from 9566t in September 2013 to 8863t one year later.
Meanwhile, the domestic market absorbed 1,045,852t, including imports, up 5.3 per cent MoM and 0.3 per cent YoY.
For the year to date, dispatches slipped 4.1 per cent from 8.764Mt in 9M13 to 8.407Mt in 9M14.

Tamil Nadu government proposes limestone levy
The government of Tamil Nadu, India, has proposed a levy of an additional INR160/t (US$1.84) on ...