Angola has banned the import of cement in 2015 with the country having achieved self-sufficiency in terms of cement production but has set a quota of 150,000t for three outer-lying provinces, the minister for construction said on Monday.
Following a meeting of the Economic Commission of the Council of Ministers, Minister Waldemar Alexandre Pires stated: “Due to the investments made by various companies, the installed capacity of cement production in Angola is 8Mt and demand is around 6.5Mt." A quota of 150,000t each for the provinces of Cabinda, Cunene and Kuando Kubango is “an exception,” he added.
The Proposed Joint Executive Decree approving cement import quotas for 2015 follows work by the Cement Sector Commission, coordinated by the Ministry of Construction, and also includes the Ministries of Trade, Industry and the Economy. (Source: Macauhub)

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Total shipments of Portland and blended cement (including imports) in the USA and Puerto Rico, d...