Biberci Insaat has ordered a Loesche LM 56.3+3 clinker grinding VRM for a new cement plant in Konya, in the central Anatolia region of Turkey.

The  company, which specialises in infrastructure works including road construction, water conduction lines, sewerage, natural gas, etc, is now venturing into the cement industry with this greenfield project. 
The Loesche 56 3+3 mill will have a capacity to produce 200tph or OPC at 3800Blaine, with a gearbox capacity of 5400kW.  Delivery is scheduled for the third quarter of 2015.
Since being developed and patented, more than 310 mill of this mill type have been sold throughotu the world for a wide range of cement types. Using the Loesche 56 3+3 mill it is possible to produce OPC with a fineness of up to 6000Blaine, the German equipment manufacturer states.