Spain’s Cementos Cosmos is celebrating three years without accidents among its workers. The Córdoba works has implemented several preventative measures over this period and its parent company, Votorantim Cimentos, has invested more than EUR1m in equipment and training to improve the company’s health and safety record.
Occupational safety and health are a priority for the group, which has implemented out various prevention and awareness initiatives. For instance, the Córdoba works has initiated Daily Safety Dialogues, where all workers begin their working day together, sharing a security issue. Under the slogan "Safety starts with me ', this seeks the personal commitment of each employee. "We are improving but much remains to be done to achieve the zero accidents goal. Behaviour is the main element in preventing accidents and personal commitment of each of us is the key to creating a safe work environment, "said Jose de la Vega, director of the factory of Cordoba.

US cement market contracts in 2024
Total shipments of Portland and blended cement (including imports) in the USA and Puerto Rico, d...