Official Indonesia cement industry statistics for January 2016 show robust gains in domestic demand and exports compared to the previous year.
Local cement consumption in January 2016 climbed 4.4 per cent to 5.14Mt. Monthly consumption was up in all but two regions:
• Java (+5.3 per cent)
• Sumatra (15.8 per cent)
• Sulawesi (+19.0 per cent)
• NT (+1.6 per cent)
• Kalimantan (-30.6 per cent)
• Maluku & Irian Jaya (-13. per cent)
Including cement exports of 33,926t (+371.2 per cent YoY), total sales for January 2016 were 5.17Mt (+4.9 per cent). All exports derived from Semen Indonesia group companies Semen Padang and Tonasa.
On its part, Semen Indonesia recorded a 2.4 per cent increase in domestic sales to 2.156Mt. Total sales, including exports, amounted to 2.19Mt (+3.7 per cent)
(Source: Indonesia Cement Association and Semen Indonesia)

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