Cemex has plans for seven energy projects in Mexico, including wind parks, according to its CEO, Fernando González Olivieri.
The structure of the investment would run along similar debt-to-equity lines as used in the construction of the Ventika wind farm, promoted by Cemex and Fisterra Energy, a Blackstone subsidiary. Some 75 per cent of funds were contributed by NadBank, Banobras, Nafin, Bancomext and Santander. The balance was met by Fisterra, Cemex and other investors with Cemex investing US$8m.
We want to continue to promote such projects in the country and we have seen about seven projects in Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas and other states," said Mr González Olivieri.
"It is clear that Cemex will not channel a significant portion of its resources to these projects, but will continue to be a strong promoter of them," said Rogelio Zambrano Lozano, president of Cemex.

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