With concerns registered by trade groups in the country, the importation of cement to Ghana will be banned following a change to the Import and Export Regulations Bill. The new Bill will outlaw bagging and importation of cement to Ghana starting from 5 August 2016.

Due to Ghana’s cooperation with the ECOWAS trade agreements, this new regulation will exempt imports from ECOWAS-member countries. Those looking to import cement from non-ECOWAS-member countries will have to apply for renewable licences.

The government will establish a Portland Cement Monitoring Committee (PCMC) to enforce the new regulations. The PCMC will also advise the Trade Ministry on issues such as pricing, quantities and production.

Industry players have warned that if there is immediate implementation of the new regulations, a sporadic price increment could be seen.

Ghacem, produced by HeidelbergCement, is the only locally-manufactured cement.