Loesche has been awarded the contract for five large vertical mills (VRMs) by Algerian cement producer SARL Biskria Ciment.
Two mills will be supplied for the grinding of cement raw meal and three mills will be for clinker grinding for the cement producer’s plant in Biskra, 300km southeast of the capital Algiers. The new equipment will enable raw meal to be ground to a fineness of 12 per cent sieving residue with 90μm at a processing capacity of 500tph, and cement to a clinker fineness of 3400Blaine.
The three new clinker VRMs have already been delivered and commissioning is plant for autumn 2017. CMBI Construction Co of China will act as contractor.

Tamil Nadu government proposes limestone levy
The government of Tamil Nadu, India, has proposed a levy of an additional INR160/t (US$1.84) on ...