Pakistan's cement export revenue during July 2017 increased by 25.02 per cent compared to the previous month but declined by 0.94 per cent on YoY basis, according to data released by the country's Federal Bureau of Statistics.
A breakdown of the figures reveals that the country exported 428,489t of cement with revenues of US$22.51m in July 2017 compared to 349,430t at US$18.01m in June, 2017. This translates into a rise of 22.63 and 25.02 per cent in volume and value terms, respectively. On the other hand, compared with July 2016 data (437,734t at US$22.73m), exports fell by 2.11 per cent in terms of quantity and by 0.94 per cent in value on a YoY basis.
According to the All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers Association (APCMA), cement exports to Afghanistan grew by over 40 per cent to 209,904t, but shipments to India fell by 11.61 per cent to 121,930t. Exports to the rest of the world were also down by 18 per cent.
An APCMA spokesman said that the government should lower excise duty on the sector to further boost local and export dispatches. In the same way coal import duties for the industry should be brought on a par with other sectors.

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