The Indonesia cement market expanded 12.5 per cent YoY to 6.754Mt in October 2017, according to data from the Indonesian Cement Association (ASI).
The key market of Java reported a 17 per cent increase with local demand rising from 3.202Mt in October 2016 to 3.745Mt one year later with growth particularly robust in Banten, West and Central Java.
Indonesia’s second-largest market, Sumatra, saw demand increase by 7.8 per cent YoY to 1.494Mt. Kalimantan’s cement consumption advanced by 6.1 per cent YoY to 434,824t.
Growth was also particularly strong in Indonesia’s smallest markets. Nusa Tenggara saw its market expand by 27.3 per cent to 388,595t while Maluk and Irian Jaya noted a 24.3 per cent rise in demand to 163,539t. Only Sulawesi saw its consumption contract by 7.3 per cent to 527,292t.
In addition, cement exports increased 20.4 per cent to 75,671t and clinker exports 47.8 per cent to 197,012t.
In the first 10 months of 2017, Indonesian cement consumption grew 7.3 per cent to 54.186Mt when compared with 50.507Mt reported in 10M16.
Java’s cement market expanded by 11.9 per cent to 30.707Mt while consumption in Sumatra and Nusa Tenggara grew by just under five per cent to 11.482Mt and 3.076Mt, respectively. Kalimantan noted the biggest drop in demand to 3.337Mt, Sulawesi by 1.7 per cent to 4.369Mt and the Maluku and Irian Jaya market contracted 1.5 per cent to 1.215Mt.
Cement exports in 10M17 more than doubled to 860,065t while clinker exports rose 45.4 per cent to 1.426Mt.

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