Uganda's President, Yower Museveni, has opened the Tororo grinding plant of Simba Cement and during the opening the owners of the factory announced that they would produce the lowest-priced cement in the country.

Plant Manager, Guru Narendra Ravel, said the 50kg bags of cement produced at the Tororo plant would be sold at UGX25,000 (US$6.64), well below the average price of UGX32,000 (US$8.50).

Simba Cement, part of National Cement Kenya Ltd, is the second of three cement plants that will be operating in Tororo cost US$55m to build. Mepani Technical Services built the 1Mta grinding plant having started construction in February 2017.

Mr Narendra Ravel added that, "Clinker will be produced in Moroto but mixed with pozzolana and gypsum from here, Tororo."

The other plants in Tororo include Tororo Cement and the new Hima Cement plant which is under construction.