UltraTech has announced that five of its integrated cement manufacturing units have been recognised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) at the 19th edition of the 'National Award for Excellence in Energy Management 2018'.

Five manufacturing units of UltraTech Cement Limited (UTCL) were recognized at the Confederation of Indian Industry’s (CII) National Awards for Excellence in Energy Management 2018

Five manufacturing units of UltraTech Cement Ltd (UTCL)

The awards included:
'Excellent Energy Efficient Unit' - Rawan Cement Works (RWCW)
'Best cement plant' and 'Captive power plant' – Chhattisgarh Cement plant 
'Energy Efficient Units' – Kotputli Cement Works (KCW), Rajashree Cement Works (RCW), Sewagram Cement Works (SCW), and Reddipalyam Cement Works.

The awards were announced by CII at an event held at Hyderabad on 31 August  2018. The chief guest at the award function, Ajay Mishra, IAS & State Energy Secretary of Telangana and Pankaj Kumar from Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Government of India, presented the award to the Rawan Cement works team.

Companies are awarded based on an evaluation of their specific energy consumption reduction, best-in-class specific energy consumption, innovation in identifying and implementing energy saving, actual energy savings achieved, methodology adopted during the implementation and efforts taken by the company to sustain the savings on a long-term basis.