Hoffmann Green Cement Technologies (HGCT) inaugurates its new cement plant – dubbed the first green cement plant in France – in Bournezeau, Vendée.
The production process relies on the chemical reaction between clay and limestone due to activators. As a result, a flash firing of metakaolin during five seconds at 750˚C is the sole temperature rise in the production process.
"Our technology divides CO2 emissions by four to 200kg/t of cement," said HGCT President, Julien Blanchard. The EUR10m investment of the first pilot project, which is expected to produce 50,000t, is co-financed with public funds accounting for 30 per cent of the total amount. The balance comes from a private fundraising in July with shareholders, including Cougnaud Construction, which ensure independence as well as the construction of a second, 0.3-0.5Mta production site in 2021, according to Mr Blanchard.
The first project to test the new cement is a renovation project by Eiffage of Ateliers Gaité, a Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield real estate complex in Montparnasse, Paris. The cement will be used for the two-storey office walls and two prefabricated stairs.
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