After receiving sludge from a site in Fort Myers, Florida, LafargeHolcim's Geocycle has determined that the material will not be suitable for its purposes at its Alabama facility due to the length of time required for transportation.
"Last week, water treatment material from Fort Myers was trucked to the Holcim Theodore plant in Alabama to evaluate how to best handle and use. We determined that, at this point-in-time, this material doesn't fit our process requirements. The city's timeline required faster remediation and handling than our process would be prepared for. It had nothing to do with the chemical composition of the material," said the company in a statement.
The city's contractor will now find another destination for the material. Saeed Kazemi, city manager, has confirmed that the site will still be excavated. "I'm working on all the possible plans, but I'm committed to move the sludge," said Mr Kazemi. "The sludge is going to be moved, one way or another."
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