India’s Anjani Portland Cement Ltd has recorded a 22.2 per cent YoY rise in net sales to INR1.1bn (US$15.3m) for the third quarter of FY18-19, compared with INR902.7m of the year-ago period. However, net profit declined 27.5 per cent to INR23.7m from INR32.7m.
In the nine months to 31 December 2018, the company saw a 15.5 per cent YoY increase in net sales to INR3.18bn from INR2.75bn. Net profit fell 32.5 per cent to INR116.3m in the 9MFY18-19, compared with INR172.3m of the previous year.
Qassim Cement appoints new board chairman and vice chairman
has appointed Dr Muhammad bin Nasser Al Dawood as chairman of the Board of Directors as of 1 J...