Apparent cement consumption in El Salvador has increased by 28 per cent in the January-November 2018 period to 27,314,750 bags of 42.5kg, or 1,160,877t, when compared with 21,802,300 bags or 926,598t in the 11M17, according to the country’s construction chamber, CASALCO. The latest increase represents the fifth-consecutive 11M rise since 2014.
The rise comes on the back of construction activity outperforming economic growth in the Latin American country. Annual economic growth in the 11M18 reached 3.2 per cent while the construction sector expanded by 8.1 per cent in the period.
Meanwhile, the average retail price of a 42.5kg bag of cement reached US$8.44 in 2018. The average ex-works price for a bag was US$7.52. Domestic cement producers enjoyed a price rise from US$7.28 to US$7.57 in March.
Vietnam cement sales see modest growth in 2024
Total Vietnam cement sales, including domestic and export sales, amounted to 8.333Mt in December...