Russia-based Eurocement has invested more than RUB180m (US$2.8m) in the modernisation of the grinding system at its Katavskiy Cement plant.
The project saw input from several European equipment suppliers. Christian Pfeiffer delivered separators, while Aumund and Siemens were responsible for the plant’s elevators and automation systems, respectively. Vega delivered the internal milling equipment and grinding media.
"The main goal of modernisation was to improve the quality characteristics of our cement for the needs of the construction sector in the Southern Urals. At the same time, we paid great attention to environmental safety: conducted an audit and repairs of equipment, in particular, replaced the filter sleeves. Modern technologies that meet the highest standards are used at Katavskiy Cement." said Eduard Zvyagintsev, general director of the company.
The modernisation enables Katavskiy Cement to expand its product range with high-grade cements and improve cement quality.

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