Padeswood is celebrating its 70-year history wth an open day for members of the public on Saturday, 29 June 2019. The Hanson UK (HeidelbergCement Group) factory near Mold, Wales, will be raising funds for The Wales Air Ambulance and Action for Children, North Wales.
The plant is currently undergoing a GBP24m modernisation programme to enhance cement capacity, including three new cement silos to expand rail deliveries to Hanson's depots in London, Bristol, and Glasgow.
"The upgrade includes installing a new grinding mill, which started life at a grinding plant in Spain that was forced to close in 2014 when the regional market collapsed," said Murat Burakcin, Padeswood Cement's Works Manager. "It was in excellent condition so it was dismantled piece-by-piece by specialist contractors and shipped to the UK before being reassembled like a giant jigsaw puzzle.
"The mill can produce up to 650,000t of cement a year, and will reduce energy consumption for this part of the process by around a third."