India’s Wonder Cement (RK Group) has launched the third line of its facility in Nimbahera, Chittorgarh, taking total capacity to 11Mta. The new capacity was built in one year at an investment of INR11bn (US$159.29m), taking the total cost of the three units to INR41bn.
"This increases our overall capacity to 11Mta, which places us well on track to meet the burgeoning demand in the premium segment of the market. We have further expansion plans across the country soon," said Sanjay Joshi, executive director.
The company commissioned its first 3Mta unit at Nimbahera in 2012 and later added another 4Mta in 2015. It plans to invest another INR8bn by the end of FY19-20.
Qassim Cement appoints new board chairman and vice chairman
has appointed Dr Muhammad bin Nasser Al Dawood as chairman of the Board of Directors as of 1 J...