Maple Leaf Cement (MCL) and its sister concern Kohinoor Textile Mills of Pakistan have won the 'Best Corporate Report Award' for the year 2018 in their respective sectors. The ceremony was held in Karachi jointly hosted by ICAP and ICMAP, earlier this week.
Maple Leaf Cement and Kohinoor Textile Mills both won the award for 2018 in their respective sectors at number one position. Transparent and meaningfully financial reporting for all stakeholders of the company is one of the key objectives of Kohinoor Maple Leaf group's management team, which enables the group companies to bag these awards.
The historical excellence regarding achievement of these awards consistently over the many years is the biggest testimonial for the group. The top management of the group has played a vital role in this regard by fully encouraging the finance function towards best corporate governance to achieve these historical benchmarks, and is determined to continue doing so in the future with full enthusiasm.
Maple Leaf Cement Factory Ltd at Daudkhel in Punjab has production capacity of 3.37Mt.a

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