Cemex USA has launched a new product called CEMSlag™ which is a new eco-friendly binder suitable for concrete. Made from blastfurnace slag, the material is finely ground to provide a durable cement solution for high-quality concrete.

CEMSlag™ has a lower CO2 footprint than ordinary Portland cement and offers multiple benefits including lower permeability for increased resistance to chemical attack, reduced hydration thereby reducing thermal cracking and in many cases, high 28-day comprehensive and flexural strength to comparable products, claims Cemex.

"In addition to all the environmental benefits, CEMSlag™ provides convenience and extended workability in concrete," said Francisco Rivera, Cemex USA Vice President Cement Sales - west region. "The fine particles of CEMSlag™ help create a fluid paste, allowing for easier and improved finishing properties. Concrete produced from CEMSlag™ is also lighter in colour, which makes concrete structures built with this cement more effective in reflecting light, and therefore heat – structures become more energy efficient. We are proud to offer this value-added solution to enhance the projects developed by our customers."

CEMSlag™ is currently CalTrans approved and available in bulk from Cemex for immediate use in California, USA.