FLSmidth has named Mikko Tepponen as its new chief digital officer, effective 1 June 2020. Mr Tepponen was previously employed by Finland-based Wärtsilä, where he gained extensive experience. He brings to FLSmidth knowledge in digital transformation of industrial companies as well as experience in terms of digital topics such as product development, internal efficiencies, customer behaviour, data architecture and a digital culture. These will also be focus areas for him in FLSmidth.
FLSmidth CEO Thomas Schulz looks forward to further strengthening the digital offerings of FLSmidth: “Mikko’s joining FLSmidth at this time is well-timed with the launch of our MissionZero agenda. Calling on his years of experience in automation and digital in heavy industry, he brings the right experience mix to embed digitalisation and innovation into our processes; from R&D to go-to-market, working alongside our product development teams in both industries,” FLSmidth CEO, Thomas Schulz, comments.
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