Paraguay’s Industria Nacional del Cemento (INC) produced 0.484Mt of clinker in 2019, the highest output reported since the fuel conversion project at the Vallemí plant and is among the top 10 recorded since the start of the state company, said INC President, Ernesto Benítez.
Mr Benítez said the company is showing signs of recovery, reaching an average dispatch rate of 12m bags of cement in 2019. He added the company plans to regularise output to 50,000 bags/day.
He added that the industry has agreed with the state to provide cement for public works and reduce costs. The country’s Ministry of Urban Planning and Housing (MUVH) buys CAB 4.5 cement, a lower-cost product designed for masonry work. The product is used in social housing. From its Villeta plant, INC enabled the direct sale of 50 bas of CAB 4.5 cement per day, per person.