Jamaica’s Caribbean Cement Co is looking to maximise its production capacity as it prepares to satisfy the increase in domestic demand, according to the Jamaica Observer.

"Our current capacity is increasing every year — last year we were able to produce close to 1Mt of cement and this year we are going to exceed that as our plant has a capacity of 1.4Mta," said Yago Castro, general manager. He also noted that preparations were being made to capitalise on an additional 25-30 per cent of production capacity over the next 2-3 years.

Although its current focus is rooted in the local market, the company is also hoping to pursue export opportunities in the near future. "We're preparing some of the installations close to our ports to increase our export capacity. As soon as we develop some more capacity we will be actively searching for export destinations [of which] we already have a couple in mind," said Mr Castro.