Titan Cement Group has published its 2020 integrated annual report, which outlines the group's financial, as well as environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. 

New ESG targets for 2025 and beyond have been set, underlining the group's enduring commitment to sustainability and value creation for all.

An ambitious CO2 reduction target is set at -35 per cent by 2030, compared to 1990 levels, with the group embracing the vision of the European Green Deal and the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) Climate Ambition to deliver society with carbon-neutral concrete by 2050. The group also Introduced  a remuneration component linked to the group’s CO2 emissions and reinforcing the oversight of the sustainability agenda at Board level. Further strengthening the group’s sustainability governance was achieved, with the creation of its first Chief Sustainability Officer position as part of the Executive Committee while the former Group CSR Department was expanded to reflect the broader focus of the group and its stakeholders on ESG issues.

The group has received recognition of its Pennsuco cement plant in Florida, USA, as the first cement production facility in the world to be Total Resource Use and Efficiency (TRUE) Platinum certified for zero waste, highlighting Titan’s enduring commitment to contribute to the circular economy.  

Titan also launched its health and wellbeing framework that covers the four key dimensions of health and wellbeing – physical, mental, social and financial – and reflects the importance of following an integrated, holistic approach. 

The share of employees from local communities remained high at 83 per cent and the group continued to support youth employment, offering 251 internships in 2020. 

Βig data and artificial intelligence tools have also been leveraged to drive decisions, capture operational efficiencies, advance the group's supply chain capabilities and redefine how it interacts with Titan’s customers and partners.