India’s Birla Corp has posted a net profit of INR2.49bn (US$33.87m) in the 4QFY20-21, up 27 per cent YoY from INR1.95bn, as cement sales advanced 24.5 per cent YoY to 4.17Mt.
Revenue for January-March 2021 also advanced 24.9 per cent to INR21.46bn. Capacity utilisation reached 108 per cent.
For the full-year, Birla Corp recorded its highest-ever net profit of INR6.3bn, up 24.7 per cent YoY, while revenue dipped 1.6 per cent to INR68.85bn. Cement sales also fell 1.8 per cent YoY to 13.39Mt from 13.64Mt in the FY19-20.
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