ACC and Ambuja Cement’s waste management subsidiary, Geocycle India, will be joining Rekart Innovations in removing plastic waste from the Jojari riverbed in Pipar, Jodphur, Rajasthan.
The first load of plastic waste, weighing more than 10t, was recovered recently and sent to Geocycle’s processing facilities at the cement plants of both cement producers.
“Geocycle’s vast co-processing infrastructure guarantees safe and environmentally-friendly final treatment of the collected waste. Co-processing in cement kilns recovers energy and recyles material value in waste, leaving no residue,” said Neeraj Akhoury, CEO India for LafargeHolcim and MD/CEO of Ambuja Cements.
The river cleaning project expects to remove more than 150t of plastic waste and restore 7500m3 of river area.
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