Cement sales in Vietnam fell 33 per cent YoY and 31 per cent MoM to 3,503,485t in August 2021, according to the Vietnamese cement association, VNCA. VICEM sales declined 31 per cent YoY and MoM to 1,122,792t while the sales of its associates fell 48 per cent YoY and 32 per cent MoM to 700,693t in August 2021. Other cement companies reported a 25 per cent YoY and a 27 per cent MoM drop to 1,680,000t during this period.
In the first eight months of 2021 domestic sales edged up one per cent to 42,078,205t when compared with the 8M20. However, sales by VICEM declined by one per cent YoY to 9,776,780t while associated companies saw their sales down by 10 per cent to 9,776,870t. Other cement producers improved their sales volumes by nine per cent to 18,970,000t when compared with the January-August 2020 period.
Cement and clinker exports from Vietnam decreased 14 per cent YoY to 3,630,193t in August 2021 but when compared with July 2021 export volumes advanced 13 per cent. Clinker exports were down 49 per cent YoY but up 12 per cent MoM to 2,175,808t while cement exports saw a 51 per cent drop YoY and a 16 per cent increase MoM to 1,454,385t in August 2021.
In the January-August 2021 period exports reached 27,735,212t, representing a 20 per cent advance when compared with the 8M20. Of this total, clinker exports were up 12 per cent YoY to 16,796,547t while cement exports increased 16 per cent YoY to 10,938,665t.
Eastern Province Cement Co awards Khursaniyah VRM contract to Gebr Pfeiffer
Gebr Pfeiffer will supply two MVR vertical roller mills to Eastern Province Cement Co's Khur...