Lafarge Zambia has reduced the price of cement by 5-10 per cent from 30 October 2021. The price reduction was said to be inevitable due to the appreciation of the kwacha against other major convertible currencies in the past two months, according to the Zambia Consumer Association (ZCA), which welcomed the step.
Lafarge Zambia Corporate Affairs and Communication, Sarah Banda, said in a statement that the reduction in the price of cement was caused by the recent appreciation of the kwacha against major convertible currencies as well as the positive outlook of national economic growth.
ZCA General Secretary, Juba Sakala, said the cement producer, with the help of the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC), has managed to reduce the price of cement to at least ZMW120 (US$6.92)/50kg bag. “Initially, Lafarge Zambia, was supposed to reduce the price of cement to US$4-5 which should have been less than ZMW100,” he said. He added that the CCPC’s order to reduce the price of cement by four to five dollars has not been resolved.
Mr Sakala encouraged other leading cement producers in the country to follow in Lafarge’s footsteps.
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