Peruvian market shows stability in August

Peruvian market shows stability in August
19 September 2024

Peruvian cement dispatches in August 2024 remained stable at 1.101Mt when compared with August 2023, reports the country's cement association, Asocem. Of this total, 1.005Mt was supplied by Asocem members.

Cement production edged up one per cent YoY to 1.107Mt in August 2024 from 1.011Mt in August 2023 while clinker production increased by 12 per cent YoY to 0.786Mt from 0.703Mt.

Cement exports increased nine per cent to 11,700t in August 2024 from 10,700t in the year-ago period. Meanwhile, clinker exports were up seven per cent YoY to 74,500t in August 2024 from 69,500t. 

Chile accounted for all cement imports into the country, which fell by 20 per cent YoY to 2000t in August 2024. The average CIF price for cement imports via the Tacna land terminal reached US$127/t, up 19 per cent YoY, during this period.  

However, clinker imports increased by 67 per cent YoY to 81,000t in August 2024. South Korea accounted for 53 per cent of clinker imports while Ecuador supplied 43 per cent of clinker imports. All clinker imports entered Peru via the port of Callao. The average CIF price for clinker imports dropped 11 per cent YoY to US$54/t.

Published under Cement News