EUROSAC and CEPI Eurokraft have joined the Paper Sacks Go Circular Spain alliance. The alliance unites about 50 European companies from the whole value chain. They share the common interest to promote efficient industrial waste management and achieve a circular economy in recycling paper sacks and other construction waste. Among others, they have established a well-functioning process for the collection and recycling of paper sacks.
In Spain, about 29,000t of paper sacks for building materials such as cement, mortar and plaster are placed on the market each year. The used sacks are a valuable raw material for recycling but are mostly not currently recycled. Also, they only make up a very small proportion of the waste generated at construction sites. Other construction waste, such as insulation materials, plasterboard and other packaging waste, which is produced in much higher proportions, has also mostly ended up in landfill so far.
Today, 170 construction sites in Spain are already participating in the Paper Sacks Go Circular Spain alliance. It seeks synergies with other construction waste streams to increase volumes and attain economies of scale.

paper bags that end up in landfill each year