To capture, store and further processing of CO2 (CCUS) in Germany across industries and to actively shape the necessary framework conditions, companies from the cement, lime, energy and chemical industries have launched the Carbon Management Alliance (CMA). As a founding member Cemex supports the goals of the alliance.
"Germany is in danger of falling more and more behind when it comes to CCUS. A further delay clearly calls into question planned investments. At EU level, CCUS scenarios are also included in the catalogue of measures of the 2040 targets. If we want to scale technologies in the short term, companies need planning and investment security today," explained Alexandra Decker, chief corporate affairs officer at Cemex, which has taken over the chairmanship of the alliance.
The alliance calls for the rapid introduction of the Carbon Storage and Transport Act (KSpTG) to create a basis for not only capturing CO2, and also to use it as a raw material.

Holcim announces its new strategy - NextGen Growth 2030
With NextGen Growth 2030, Holcim will leverage its sustainability leadership to deliver profitab...