Cemex is pleased to announce that Mark Grimshaw-Smith, rail and sea manager in the company’s supply chain team, has been appointed as one of four new non-executive directors to the Board of Logistics UK.

Logistics UK is one of the country’s largest business groups, representing the entire logistics sector, including road, rail, sea and air. Its core purpose is to support, shape and stand up for safe, sustainable and efficient logistics, ensuring that the industry remains a vital part of the UK economy.

The recent Logistics UK Board appointments of Mark Grimshaw-Smith, Jamie Hartles, Professor Rem Noormohamed and James Wroath, bring a collective expertise that will help strengthen the strategic development of Logistics UK’s multimodal offering.

“Our new non-executive directors join Logistics UK at a key time for our sector,” says Phil Roe, the organisation’s president, “and bring a wide range of knowledge to help us drive the organisation on to the next stage of its development. With roles covering all modes of transport, as well as business change and digital transformation, they will complement the skills already in place on the board to ensure we are best placed to serve the needs of our members, and the industry as a whole, as it grows and develops. I am looking forward to the challenges and insight that they will bring to our thinking.”

Mr Grimshaw-Smith brings over 40 years of experience in construction materials supply chain and logistics, covering all modes of transport. Throughout his career at Cemex, he has championed the modal shift to rail, sea and inland waterway to create greater efficiencies, customer satisfaction and more sustainable methods of transport in support of Cemex’s wider sustainability objectives as it aims to become a carbon net zero business by 2050 as part of its global Future in Action programme.