
Cement Kiln Process Chemistry

A six-week modular e-Learning Course designed for cement manufacturers and also suppliers of specialist equipment and services relating to cement kiln chemistry.

Course Content

Module 1– Factors affecting the efficiency and productivity of cement kiln operations.

Combination and combinability – the combination of the raw materials into the clinker minerals:

  1. Thermodynamics
  2. Calcination of CaCO3
  3. Zur Strassen theories
  4. Raw material mineralogical effects
  5. Intermediate combination products
  6. Inhibitors
  7. Fluxes & mineralisers Cyclic phenomena:
  • Mechanism
  • Hot mineral interactions
  • Internal & external cycles

Expected time to complete Module 1 will be two weeks.

Module 2 – Factors affecting clinker product quality.

  1. Phase Equilibria:
  2. CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 ternary system
  3. Deviation from Bogue mineralogy
  4. Crystal forms & polymorphs
  5. Combustion & reduction

Expected time to complete Module 2 will be two weeks.

Module 3 – Factors affecting safety and emissions to the environment:

  1. Dust
  2. CO and THCs
  3. Acid Gases
  4. Heavy Metals
  5. Dioxins & Furans
  6. Heavy Metals

Expected time to complete Module 3 will be two weeks.

Course Material

Throughout the course the lectures are supplemented with exercises allowing participants to relate course material to their cement factories, or the cement factories of their clients in the case of equipment or service suppliers to the cement industry.

Certification is achieved by completing a satisfactory level of exercises, and by end of module exams.The course is complete with downloadable handouts of the lectures, exercises, and reading material for the training record. Around 5+ hours of study per week.