Forum Moderator

Forum Moderator
Threads Started: 49587
Posts: 49587
Strapline: Registered User


Votorantim Cimentos’ green credentials

As part of Votorantim Cimentos’ decarbonisation strategy, the company has become a pioneer in the promotion of Brazi...

Unacem sees 9% advance in 2Q revenues

Peruvian Unacem Group saw a nine per cent increase in its 2Q revenues to PEN1559m (US$419.8m) in the 2Q23. The adv...

TARA and Swiss government sign LC3 agreement in Nepal

Technology and Action for Rural Advancement (TARA) signed an agreement on 17 August 2023 with the Swiss Federal Depa...

Mayur appoints CEO of Central Lime Project

Mayur Resources Ltd of Papua New Guinea has appointed John McBride as CEO of the company’s Central Lime project. M...

Crown Cement to purchase Matarbari fly ash

Bangladesh-based Crown Cement plc will buy fly ash from the Matarbari 2x600MW ultra supercritical coal-fired power...

JK Cement's Aligarh plant boosts renewable energy

Ampln Energy Transition, an energy transition platform, has begun supplying 10MWp of solar power from its 30MWp sol...

PCA announces 2023 Energy and Environment Award winners

The Portland Cement Association (PCA), which represents the majority of America’s cement manufacturers, has announc...

Vietnamese market contracts by 18% in July

Cement sales in Vietnam declined by 18 per cent to 4,655,526t in July 2023 when compared with July 2022, according t...

European Commission adopts rules governing CBAM

The European Commission (EC) has adopted the rules governing the implementation of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mec...

James Hardie sees sales slip 5% in 1QFY23-24

James Hardie has posted global net sales of US$954.3m in the first quarter of FY23-24 (ended 30 June 2023), down fiv...