Cement sales in Vietnam declined by 18 per cent to 4,655,526t in July 2023 when compared with July 2022, according to the Vietnam National Cement Association (VNCA). Of this total, VICEM sales fell by 18 per cent to 1,437,107t while other VNCA members sold a combined 968,419t, down 24 per cent YoY. Non-members saw sales drop by 16 per cent YoY to 2,250,000t.

Total exports advanced by 26 per cent YoY to 2,790,355t in July 2023. Cement exports were up 23 per cent YoY in the period with non-VNCA members reporting a 19 per cent growth to 1,389,259t when compared with July 2022. VICEM exports increased by 34 per cent to 290,291t and other VNCA members saw exports up by 36 per cent to 199,397t over the period.

Clinker exports increased by 34 per cent YoY to 910,778t in July 2023. There were no clinker exports by VICEM, but other VNCA member reported 24,123t of clinker exports in July 2023, down 54 per cent YoY. The majority of clinker exports were sold by non-VNCA members, who saw their aggregate clinker exports increase by 51 per cent YoY to 886,655t.

January-July 2023
In the January-July 2023 period cement sales in Vietnam declined by 17 per cent YoY to 33.132Mt. VICEM saw sales drop by 18.3 per cent YoY to 10.493Mt, other VNCA members by 25.3 per cent YoY to 6.7Mt and non-members by 13 per cent YoY to 15.938Mt.

Total exports slipped by two per cent YoY to 18.513Mt in the 7M23, of which overseas clinker sales were down by 30 per cent to 6.369Mt while cement exports advanced 24 per cent YoY to 12.144Mt.

VICEM exported 54,905t of clinker, down 88 per cent YoY, and 1.787Mt of cement, down seven per cent in the 7M23, while other VNCA members reported clinker exports of 50,933t, down 93 per cent YoY, and cement exports of 1.323Mt, up 78 per cent YoY. Non-VNCA members saw their clinker exports fall by 21 per cent YoY to 6.263Mt while their cement exports increased by 27 per cent to 9.034Mt in the 7M23.