What are the possible causes of large snowballs occurring in a short precalciner kiln, which build up and eventually ...
I can't recall any really good articles on the formation of snowballs but know they can be quite frightening. They ar...
How can the efficiency of clinker cooler be increased without any modifications?
Cooler efficiency is a function of the amount of air that is blown into the cooler for cooling the clinker. You might...
Our plant has four cement mills (closed circuit with first generation seprator) - we use about 20 per cent slag , the...
There are numerous ways to increase the production from your cement mills. In the short term use of grinding aids com...
We are facing a problem in bringing the whiteness of material that is close to cement composition in our R&D trials. ...
The principal colouring oxides are those of the first row of the transition metals. In cement the most likely to caus...
What is the effect of cooler dust on flame?
Air-cooled blast furnace slag can be added to the inlet of the cement kiln. The effect of dust recirculating from the...