

Registered User Nandyal R&D

RABH dust

What is the composition of RABH dust captured? Can it be used as a replacement for fly ash or GGBS instead of bein...

Frequently appearing red spots

Our 6 stage PH ILC upgraded kiln is suffering frequent shut downs due to the appearance of red spots evry 4-5 days...

Rapidly cooling kiln

Is there any practice to be folllowed inorder to rapidly cool the kiln. This is to make sure that brick lining wor...

Increase in production due to close circuiting?

We prresently have a open cicuit ball mill operating at 35tph. By how much will the production be expected to incr...

Fall in Kiln Feed

Our Kiln-1 a 1800tpd line(6cyclone with pre-calciner) has been operating at about 1100-1200 tpd since the last 3 m...
