The Formula is {P(pa) X M3/sec} / 1000 =KWatt Now You have measured the pressure in mmwg, So convert it to Pascal T...
Let us take an example of a fan Pressure = 5393 Pa, Volume =21.1m3/sec KWatt = 5393*21.1/1000 = 113.7 Kw Now conve...
Mr xxxx since you are taking the reading in mmwg ,you have to multiply 9.81 to convert it to Pa then divide it by 1...
Fan shaft power (watt) = Pressure(Pa) X Volume(m3/s) This formula is valid and applicable to all fans and blowers. ...
sir I couldnot able to download the file. please send me the same in my id thanks and rega...
sir, please send me the excel sheet in my id
dear Mr. Hussaini, I think the data of case 1 and case 2 are given for the same system and fan duct and same resist...
Dear Mr Lalbatros sir, what you mentioned is the change is figure with change in RPM of a fan. which is the fan la...
sir, Thank you very much for the information and can I please request you to send your email id so that i can conta...
dear sir, Thank you very much for the details with attchment figures. My concept is bit clear now . Can I get the e...