Our plant is supplied by Polysius with inline calciner. The rated output of the plant was 3000tpd. The original system was designed based using Indian domestic coal. Presently we are operating the plant at 3900tpd and we are also using 65 per cent petcoke and 35 per cent imported coal. At this operating condition, we are facing the problem of very high generation of fine clinker during burning process, resulting in the high clinker temperature causing the problem in roller press operation. In view of above, we are interested to know the reason for the same, along with the corrective measure for the improvement in clinker granulometry.

My only suggestion would be to adjust the kiln feed chemistry to achieve the same flux content as applied with the Indian coal. The other possibility is that the problem is caused by elevated sulphate in the clinker arising from the petroleum coke.

Our preheater surging. This is happening on a irregular basis. We suspect it is coming from cyclone No 2. We have investigated and have taken several actions. Unfortunately, we were unable to resolve it. Actions taken were as follows:
1. Damper adjustment
2. Check feeding system
3. Effects from other cyclones
4. Preheater riser duct build-up
5. Splash plate adjustment/build-up.
1. Damper adjustment
2. Check feeding system
3. Effects from other cyclones
4. Preheater riser duct build-up
5. Splash plate adjustment/build-up.

You need to take samples from each cyclone and measure the loss on ignition. If you send the results along with the raw mill product, kiln feed and dust loss on ignitions then the preheater cyclone efficiencies can be calculated. This will tell us if the problem is originating in cyclone 2.