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Union Cement looking at waste options

Union Cement Corp, Philippines has teamed up with government agencies in its quest to tap alternative materials such ...

Collective labour agreement signed

The management board and the independent trade union in Croatian cement maker Dalmacijacement, a subsidiary of UK pro...

Cebu price rises

Construction activities on Cebu island are not expected to peak up until summer but increases in the prices of cement...

Cemex debates new factory option

Options allowing Cemex to build cement factories can be considered an alternative by Indonesia’s government and...

US cement shipments

Seasonally adjusted US domestic cement shipments in October came in at 11,917Mt, 12.5 per cent up on September’...

Votorantim to invest in its NE Brazil plants

Brazil’s Votorantim group will invest US$200m to double production capacity at its Cimentos Sergipe cement plan...

Turkish Bolu Cimento

Turkish cement and clinker producer Bolu Cimento will transfer a ready-mixed concrete facility worth US$3.27m to a ne...

Compañia Uruguaya de Cemento Portland increases sales

The Minas plant of the Compañia Uruguaya de Cemento Portland (CUCP) has forecast to increase its by 150 per cent thi...

Savannah Cement given ultimatum

The Savannah Cement Company in Ghana has been given up to the middle of February this year to start the Buipe Limesto...

Lafarge cement volumes up

Turnover at Lafarge declined by 6.5% last year to €13,658m, but after adjusting for the exchange rate movements, whic...
